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Treating Sciatica with Chiropractic Care

Female on couch with back painAre you experiencing a piercing, debilitating pain that extends from your lower back to the legs? If so, you may need to see a Chiropractor sooner or later to help alleviate the pain. Sciatica is one of the longest nerves in your body, running from your hips down to your toes. However, sciatica nerves can experience shooting pain in case you have a disc herniation, a trapped nerve.

Sciatica pain is a common condition that affects more than 40% of people. Most sciatica cases typically resolve on their own. But, when it doesn’t, it can result in muscle weakness and chronic pain. In severe cases, some of the best sciatica treatment options include physical therapy, pain medications, lifestyle adjustments, or surgery.

This post will help you learn about chiropractic treatment for sciatica, plus other tips to help you deal with sciatica pain.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica refers to dysfunction or pain that involves the sciatic nerve in your legs and lower back. Your sciatic nerve runs from your lower back past the hips and extends down to each leg. Thus, sciatica pain can be felt anywhere along this path or throughout the entire length. It can either be moderate or severe. Sciatica pain is usually felt as a deep piercing pain or as an electric shock. Besides, it can also make your affected foot and leg feel weak or numb. Other symptoms may include a burning sensation or tingling, weakness, and pain.

Sciatica pain is typically caused by a temporary overuse or inflammation of the lower back, which irritates or pinches your nerve. In some cases, the pain will naturally subside on its own as long you take good care of your back. When sciatica pain doesn’t go away, it is highly recommended to see an experienced chiropractor. If left untreated, some cases of sciatica can damage your sciatica nerve. Wondering if chiropractor treatment for sciatica pain can help??

How A Chiropractor Can Help with Sciatica

While Sciatica can be deliberating, chiropractic care can alleviate it naturally and gently. It involves treating the pain without expensive and harmful adverse effects. Chiropractic treatment for sciatica pain revolves around spinal adjustments and other therapies to help treat conditions and relieve pain. In the United States, all chiropractors are required to attain a Doctor of Chiropractic degree before practicing. That said, how can a family chiropractor in Murfreesboro TN help with sciatica pain?

Accurate Diagnosis of Sciatica Pain

Sciatica treatment by chiropractor is based on the fact that restricted spinal movement can cause reduced friction and pain. If you are suffering from sciatic pain, a chiropractor will ask you questions about your pain and your medical history at your initial appointment. They may also request to have X-rays done so that the chiropractor can understand what’s causing your pain.


Spinal manipulation is the core of every chiropractic treatment for sciatica. It assists in realigning your spine, frees up restricted movement, and helps restore your body into proper realignment so that it functions effectively and better. It also helps to minimize the pain closely related with nerve inflammation, especially that associated with sciatica.

Hot and Cold Therapies

Chiropractors have utilized alternating heat and cold therapy to offer prompt relief from sciatica pain. The heat generated can release tight muscles and chase the pain away. Cold therapies can slow your blood flow and assist in minimizing the symptoms of inflammation. Your chiropractor will recommend the appropriate treatment for you, whether to use the two therapies and how to alternate them.

Chiropractic Exercises

Moving in specific directions can make your sciatica pain worse. That said, depending on the cause of the pain, your chiropractor will recommend some exercises to help avoid nerve aggravation while releasing the pressure emanating from tight and inflamed muscles.

Lifestyle Changes

Chiropractors will examine all areas of your life. He may recommend a new sitting posture, a new way to sleep, and a lift to safeguard the positioning of your sciatic nerve. Such changes can help to strengthen your back muscles to keep the herniated disc in order. That is important because the stronger your back is, the less pressure your discs place on your sciatic nerve. So, chiropractors can assist reduce sciatica pain both in the long and short term.

Chiropractic Massage

A chiropractor may recommend intense massage therapy to help alleviate your sciatica pain. It can help to relax your muscles and produce endorphins that act as natural painkillers. Chiropractic massage therapy can help to soothe and heal your sciatica nerve. Since they understand the entire musculoskeletal system of your body, they know where and how to apply pressure to alleviate sciatica pain.

Get Chiropractic Treatment for Your Sciatica in Murfreesboro TN Today

Sciatica pain can hamper your daily life, and although it is a common condition, there is no reason to live with it. With an accurate diagnosis, you can obtain relief from pain by starting a chiropractic treatment for sciatica. Our chiropractors at Morter Family Chiropractic are highly trained and equipped to relieve you from the sciatica pain you are experiencing now to help you enjoy your life again. If you are experiencing sharp, shooting pain, you no doubt want prompt relief as fast as possible. Dr. Josh Morter believes in treating your sciatica with as few chiropractic appointments as possible so that you can resume your everyday lifestyle. Call us at (615) 900-3770 or book an appointment online and free yourself from sciatica pain today.

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